Published on 2023-03-04 / 314 Visits



接入到sensor的上下行分开的两路流量, 需要有两个网卡进行采集,但是这有出现了一个问题, zeek对两个网卡的上下行流量嗅探组包比较困难。 目前我使用的方式是网卡bond,通过将两张网卡组成一个bond,让zeek直接在bond虚拟网卡进行抓包。



配置步骤如下(针对centos 7)

  • 新建bond虚拟网卡
# 创建配置文件
touch /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond010 
# 配置网卡
BONDING_OPTS="mode=0 miimon=100" 
  • 修改监听网卡的配置
# 修改p1p2网卡
# 修改p1p2网卡
  • 重启网卡服务器

systemctl restart network

  • bond网卡开启混杂模式
ifconfig bond010 promisc
ifconfig p2p1 promisc
ifconfig p2p2 promisc
  • 查看当前bond状态
cat /proc/net/bonding/bond5

Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.7.1 (April 27, 2011)

Bonding Mode: load balancing (round-robin)
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 100
Up Delay (ms): 0
Down Delay (ms): 0

Slave Interface: p2p1
MII Status: up
Speed: 10000 Mbps
Duplex: full
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: b4:96:91:1b:64:b4
Slave queue ID: 0

Slave Interface: p2p2
MII Status: up
Speed: 10000 Mbps
Duplex: full
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: b4:96:91:1b:64:b6
Slave queue ID: 0



suricata pfring+hyperscan安装



# Linux high speed capture support
  - interface: p2p2
    # Number of receive threads. "auto" uses the number of cores
    threads: auto
    #cluster-type: cluster_qm

    # Default clusterid. AF_PACKET will load balance packets based on flow.
    cluster-id: 99
    # Default AF_PACKET cluster type. AF_PACKET can load balance per flow or per hash.
    # This is only supported for Linux kernel > 3.1
    # possible value are:
    #  * cluster_flow: all packets of a given flow are sent to the same socket
    #  * cluster_cpu: all packets treated in kernel by a CPU are sent to the same socket
    #  * cluster_qm: all packets linked by network card to a RSS queue are sent to the same
    #  socket. Requires at least Linux 3.14.
    #  * cluster_ebpf: eBPF file load balancing. See doc/userguide/capture-hardware/ebpf-xdp.rst for
    #  more info.
    # Recommended modes are cluster_flow on most boxes and cluster_cpu or cluster_qm on system
    # with capture card using RSS (requires cpu affinity tuning and system IRQ tuning)
    cluster-type: cluster_flow
    # In some fragmentation cases, the hash can not be computed. If "defrag" is set
    # to yes, the kernel will do the needed defragmentation before sending the packets.
    defrag: yes
    # To use the ring feature of AF_PACKET, set 'use-mmap' to yes
    use-mmap: yes
    # Lock memory map to avoid it being swapped. Be careful that over
    # subscribing could lock your system
    #mmap-locked: yes
    # Use tpacket_v3 capture mode, only active if use-mmap is true
    # Don't use it in IPS or TAP mode as it causes severe latency
    #tpacket-v3: yes
    # Ring size will be computed with respect to "max-pending-packets" and number
    # of threads. You can set manually the ring size in number of packets by setting
    # the following value. If you are using flow "cluster-type" and have really network
    # intensive single-flow you may want to set the "ring-size" independently of the number
    # of threads:
    #ring-size: 2048
    # Block size is used by tpacket_v3 only. It should set to a value high enough to contain
    # a decent number of packets. Size is in bytes so please consider your MTU. It should be
    # a power of 2 and it must be multiple of page size (usually 4096).
    #block-size: 32768
    # tpacket_v3 block timeout: an open block is passed to userspace if it is not
    # filled after block-timeout milliseconds.
    #block-timeout: 10
    # On busy systems, set it to yes to help recover from a packet drop
    # phase. This will result in some packets (at max a ring flush) not being inspected.
  #use-emergency-flush: yes
    # recv buffer size, increased value could improve performance
    # buffer-size: 32768
    # Set to yes to disable promiscuous mode
    # disable-promisc: no
    # Choose checksum verification mode for the interface. At the moment
    # of the capture, some packets may have an invalid checksum due to
    # the checksum computation being offloaded to the network card.
    # Possible values are:
    #  - kernel: use indication sent by kernel for each packet (default)
    #  - yes: checksum validation is forced
    #  - no: checksum validation is disabled
    #  - auto: Suricata uses a statistical approach to detect when
    #  checksum off-loading is used.
    # Warning: 'capture.checksum-validation' must be set to yes to have any validation
    #checksum-checks: kernel
    # BPF filter to apply to this interface. The pcap filter syntax applies here.
    #bpf-filter: port 80 or udp
    # You can use the following variables to activate AF_PACKET tap or IPS mode.
    # If copy-mode is set to ips or tap, the traffic coming to the current
    # interface will be copied to the copy-iface interface. If 'tap' is set, the
    # copy is complete. If 'ips' is set, the packet matching a 'drop' action
    # will not be copied.
    uffer-size: 64535
  - interface: p2p1               # 监听下行流量接口
    threads: auto                # 自动分配线程
    cluster-id: 100              # 为第二个接口指定一个不同的集群 ID
    cluster-type: cluster_flow   # 仍按照流规则分发



  • 安装基础环境
sudo yum install cmake make gcc gcc-c++ flex bison libpcap-devel openssl-devel python3 python3-devel swig zlib-devel


yum install -y centos-release-scl
sudo yum install cmake3 devtoolset-7
scl enable devtoolset-7 bash
  • 安装可选项依赖
pip3 install GitPython semantic-version
# 或者
sudo yum install python3-GitPython python3-semantic_version
  • 下载zeek
wget <https://download.zeek.org/zeek-4.0.9.tar.gz>
tar zvxf zeek-4.0.9.tar.gz
cd zeek-4.0.9
./configure --with-pcap=/usr/local/lib
make -j 24 && make install


插件地址 : Zeek Package Manager: Packages


./zkg install zeek/corelight/zeek-community-id
zeek/corelight/zeek-community-id : zeek是必须的, corelight表示制作者, zeek-community-id表示插件名称

安装完成后,重新运行 ./zeekctl deploy即可在日志文件 conn.log中看见community_id:


"ts": 1677493871.186421,

"uid": "CnYHdB2pqY3xg4GWgg",

"id.orig_h": "",

"id.orig_p": 47296,

"id.resp_h": "",

"id.resp_p": 443,

"proto": "tcp",

"duration": 2.0040030479431152,

"orig_bytes": 0,

"resp_bytes": 0,

"conn_state": "S0",

"local_orig": true,

"local_resp": false,

"missed_bytes": 0,

"history": "S",

"orig_pkts": 2,

"orig_ip_bytes": 96,

"resp_pkts": 0,

"resp_ip_bytes": 0,

"community_id": "1:R9UbzFVXprFpdRFb79v214yT9v4="



基于conn.log中uid进行关联,比如 uid=CcaCXW2grRyJgVX0yg。这可以在http.log找到该uid对应的详细日子


"ts": 1677494094.371831,

"uid": "CcaCXW2grRyJgVX0yg",

"id.orig_h": "",

"id.orig_p": 50028,

"id.resp_h": "",

"id.resp_p": 80,

"trans_depth": 1,

"method": "POST",

"host": "extshort.weixin.qq.com",

"uri": "/mmtls/5817452a",

"version": "1.1",

"user_agent": "MicroMessenger Client",

"request_body_len": 803,

"response_body_len": 33022,

"status_code": 200,

"status_msg": "OK",

"tags": [],

"orig_fuids": [



"resp_fuids": [






wget <https://cmake.org/files/v3.16/cmake-3.16.3.tar.gz>  # <https://cmake.org/files/> 自己选版本
tar zvxf cmake-3.16.3.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.16.3
./bootstrap --prefix=/usr/local
make -j 12
make install
cmake --version